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Showing posts from October, 2018

The delusion of positivity ?

I've heard so many people say I'm not negative I am just a realist", "I don't have my head in the clouds and have my feet firmly planted on planet earth."  Which makes it seem like those that think positive thoughts are somehow in dreamland.  Theories such as the Law of attraction suggest that your mindset has the ability to change your reality but how true is this?! Is it irrational to believe that something POSITIVE is just around the corner when that is far from the present reality? Is it far better to think negative then if something positive does happen then you can be surprised? Are people who think positive the majority of the time even in negative situations just deluded?! Famous books such as 'The Power',  'Ask and it is given' and 'The law of attraction' suggest that life doesn't just happen to you. That you have the ability to orchestrate your life and that you have the power to implement changes in your life depending...