I've heard so many people say I'm not negative I am just a realist", "I don't have my head in the clouds and have my feet firmly planted on planet earth." Which makes it seem like those that think positive thoughts are somehow in dreamland. Theories such as the Law of attraction suggest that your mindset has the ability to change your reality but how true is this?! Is it irrational to believe that something POSITIVE is just around the corner when that is far from the present reality? Is it far better to think negative then if something positive does happen then you can be surprised? Are people who think positive the majority of the time even in negative situations just deluded?!
Famous books such as 'The Power', 'Ask and it is given' and 'The law of attraction' suggest that life doesn't just happen to you. That you have the ability to orchestrate your life and that you have the power to implement changes in your life depending on how you think. Undoubtedly the brain is responsible for many of the functions of life...more specifically the internal function of life such as being able to breathe, regulation of the heart rate etc. But does the brain actually have the ability to affect external functions? Or in another way can the way somebody thinks, by the use of their brain actually have the ability to change their circumstances? Some religions particularly Abrahamic religions believe that the steps of a person's life are governed by a Supreme being, God. Therefore some may believe that one does not actively have the ability SOLELY to change their circumstances based on how they think. This being because the Supreme being has the FINAL SAY.
Various schools of thought disagree on whether the mind can actually have the ability to change external situations.
But I think people should ask themselves what gives the best ride? RIDE you say? What do you mean? Well if life is like driving in a car is it better to think doom and gloom or bloom and bloom? There's been much research to suggest that positive thoughts are good for you and do improve quality of life! (Feel free to look into it.) However what is perhaps inarguable is some more than others have the ability to think positively. (Based on a variety of factors)The phrase 'Think positive' is not a quick fix, or a light switch that can be pressed and the person becomes filled with positive thoughts. Some express they simply do not have this ability. Therefore telling someone "Just think positive." When they are low or in a negative state is in someways insensitive. It suggests that the person has some sort of instant control on how they feel, which some people express that they don't. THINK POSITIVE. (IF YOU CAN). And if you can't at the moment. PRACTICE.
Famous books such as 'The Power', 'Ask and it is given' and 'The law of attraction' suggest that life doesn't just happen to you. That you have the ability to orchestrate your life and that you have the power to implement changes in your life depending on how you think. Undoubtedly the brain is responsible for many of the functions of life...more specifically the internal function of life such as being able to breathe, regulation of the heart rate etc. But does the brain actually have the ability to affect external functions? Or in another way can the way somebody thinks, by the use of their brain actually have the ability to change their circumstances? Some religions particularly Abrahamic religions believe that the steps of a person's life are governed by a Supreme being, God. Therefore some may believe that one does not actively have the ability SOLELY to change their circumstances based on how they think. This being because the Supreme being has the FINAL SAY.
Various schools of thought disagree on whether the mind can actually have the ability to change external situations.
But I think people should ask themselves what gives the best ride? RIDE you say? What do you mean? Well if life is like driving in a car is it better to think doom and gloom or bloom and bloom? There's been much research to suggest that positive thoughts are good for you and do improve quality of life! (Feel free to look into it.) However what is perhaps inarguable is some more than others have the ability to think positively. (Based on a variety of factors)The phrase 'Think positive' is not a quick fix, or a light switch that can be pressed and the person becomes filled with positive thoughts. Some express they simply do not have this ability. Therefore telling someone "Just think positive." When they are low or in a negative state is in someways insensitive. It suggests that the person has some sort of instant control on how they feel, which some people express that they don't. THINK POSITIVE. (IF YOU CAN). And if you can't at the moment. PRACTICE.
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